Thursday, October 28, 2010

OMG Classes Start on Monday!

Our first session of classes is starting this coming Monday!  It is hard to believe that we are at this point already, but I think everything is going to go well.  The studio is looking awesome (I'll post pics as soon as I take some) and registrations are coming in every day.  This session isn't going to have a full schedule, which makes it a it less intimidating.  That way any issues that come up can turn into valuable information we can use when we have our grand opening in January.

Speaking of the grand opening, on January 8th we will be having a day full of free mini-lessons followed by an evening of dance demonstrations and socialization.  Right now we are determining what classes will be taught and the schedule specifics, so when then details are firmed up I will be sure to post them.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

So much progress!

We are getting closer and closer to opening the studio for classes in November, and the space is really starting to come together!  Walls have been painted, mirrors are up, desk and computer and are hooked up, and stereo system is set up.  All we have left is to finish decorating and do some minor touchups and we will be ready for business.  The space looks really amazing and it will be even more wonderful when we have the dance floor put in.  Come on out for our first session of classes and see it for yourself.  Info about classes and studio events are at  So exciting!