Thursday, July 28, 2011

Tips for exercising in the heat

With temperatures soaring above 100 degrees recently, many of us feel like just bagging our regular exercise routine in favor of lounging in the AC, eating ice cream cones, and quaffing some cold lemonade.  But there are ways to keep your body going in these extreme temperatures so that you don't have to sacrifice all the hard work you have put in to honing your technique and your physique.

  • Stay Hydrated.  That seems pretty commonsensical, but many of us don't really know how much hydration our body needs to avoid things like fatigue, dizziness, muscle cramps and even fainting. Being dehydrated can lead to poor performance as well, which can lead to aches and even injury.  So how much fluid is enough? recommends the following guidelines:
  1. Drink about 2 glasses of water 2 hours before your workout
  2. Sip water throughout your workout, about 8 ounces every 15 minutes
  3. Consider a sports drink if you're exercising for more than an hour or you're working out in extreme heat
  4. Continue to drink water after your workout to replace any fluids lost
  5. If you're exercising for a long period of time, weigh yourself before and after your workout and drink 2 cups of water for every pound of fluid you've lost
  • Wear the appropriate clothing.  Lightweight, loose fitting clothes can help you stay cooler because your sweat can evaporate easier which helps ventilate your body as you exercise. Consider sweat-wicking clothes, and look for anything such as labels or seams that could rub and cause a rash. Cotton actually absorbs moisture so it may not be the best choice. In dance classes, think about forgoing the usual jewelry, big skirts, and layers and wear lightweight things instead. Just because you are inside in the AC doesn't mean that you won't get overheated if you have too many layers on!
  • Listen to your body. If you feel light-headed or dizzy, stop for a while and drink some more fluids until you feel better.
  • Avoid caffeinated beverages before class. Caffeine can be very dehydrating so take it easy on those iced coffees, teas and lattes!
  • Keep your meals light throughout the day.  Eating fruits like grapes, watermelon, and strawberries; salads and vegetables like tomatoes and cucumbers; and low fat protein sources such as chicken breast, tofu or fish will help keep you hydrated and well-fed without feeling overstuffed either physically or emotionally.
Here's hoping that these tips will help you stay cool, healthy and on track in your classes at WIM!

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