Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Motion, according to Miriam-Webster, is defined as the following :
  1. An act, process, or instance of changing place 
  2. An active or functioning state or condition 
  3. A proposal for action 
  4. An act or instance of moving the body or its parts 
  5. A melodic change of pitch
Each of these definitions in turn describes the happenings at World In Motion at various times and for different people.  When you think of your experiences at World In Motion, which of these descriptions ring the most true for you? 
Do you see the studio as a place to get away from it all (#1)?  An opportunity to be active and mobile, to better the functioning of your body and mind (#2)?  How about a venue where you can follow the action plan that an instructor proposes so that you can learn, grow, and be part of something bigger than yourself (#3)?  Or is it the corner of the world where you can simply put one foot, arm, leg and/or torso (so to speak!)  in front of the other just so you can move your body to the music (#4)?  Or maybe it is akin to a melodic change of pitch in that it represents movement toward a goal as well as encompassing aspects of harmony, dynamics,  contour and resolution (#5)?
The reasons to join our community and to help it grow, thrive, percolate and create are many and varied.  I know why I am a part of this wonderful place. What moves you to be part of World In Motion? 

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