Thursday, December 30, 2010

Resolve to have more fun in 2011!

For this new year, I have been contemplating possible resolutions to make.  It is easy to get swept up in the excitement of a fresh start and a chance to change, but I can just see myself running out of steam after a couple of weeks.  I'm sure many of you can relate, so I won't make this a post about how we are all going to get so fit and only eat a certain way and generally never do anything that is bad for us.  Instead, my resolution this year is to have more fun in 2011.  Yes, that's right, MORE fun!  To be honest, it might be really difficult to achieve this goal because it is so easy to get bogged down in the daily grind and put off the "frivolous" activities.  Nonetheless, I will persevere!  I encourage you to join me in this endeavor.

(Shameless advertising time)  If you find dancing fun, then kick start your resolution by signing up for a class or two.  We have a bunch of new classes starting January 10th and I super excited about taking as many of them as I can. From bellydance to zumba, you'll find a class that is sure to put a spring into your step!

Feel free to share your own resolutions or goals for the new year here.  I'd love to hear about them and maybe get some ideas.


  1. Patti here: What a great resolution!! I need to adopt it as well because I too often am caught up in doing work, and don't take enough time out to smell the roses. And I am very excited about all of the classes we have to offer, and intend to attend as many of them as possible. It is impossible to dance and think about work at the same time :-)

  2. This is the best resolution I have ever heard! I didn't have one for 2011, but now I do. And I'm going to make sure that everyone that registers for my Cabaret level 1 and 2 classes has more fun in 2011 too, whether it is their resolution or not. :-)
