Thursday, February 17, 2011

Why do you dance?

I haven't posted in a while because running the studio is pretty much a non-stop job.  It can be crazy at times but I am really loving it!  I get to take all kinds of awesome classes and meet new people and generally have fun.

Today I have a question for us all to think about that I have shamelessly stolen from our wonderful bellydance instructor, Sara. (I may not be asking it exactly how she did, but the gist is the same)

Why do you dance?

Seems like a silly question at first.  Maybe the answer is really simple for you.  If you come up with a short  answer, like, "Because it's fun and I like the exercise," then try to think about the reasons beyond that surface level.  What makes it fun?  Why do you want the exercise?  Maybe there are no other underlying thoughts, and that is okay too.

I'll start:  When I start to think about how I would respond a whole wave of different thoughts and emotions come forth.  Maybe this is because I am a super emotional and scatterbrained person.  Or maybe it is that there is something almost intangible or indescribable about how dancing makes me feel.  I dance because it gives me a sense of physical strength and freedom.  I dance because it is a habit and because it is my occupation.  I dance because I want to, okay? Gosh, get off my case!

Whoa, I got a little confrontational there.  Anyway, think about what your answers are.  Feel free to talk about them here or just keep them in mind next time you go to class or perform.


  1. I dance because I love it! All of the other concerns, dramas, issues of the day all melt away when I am dancing. I also dance because I want to share this wonderful experience with others- especially the transformative aspects of this beautiful art form. Plus I am a ham and love to be in front of an audience (usually, anyway.) There was a point in my life when I was unhealthy and out of touch with my body, and when I hardly danced at all. Dance (particularly belly dance) helped me find myself and love myself again. It has always been a source of joy in my life, and I hope that I will be able to dance for the rest of my life.

  2. I never learned to play an instrument and I like thinking that my body is the perfect accompaniment to the rhythm playing. Sometimes I imagine what my life would be like without dance, and it makes me so sad. I am not sure what purpose I would have since it's something I've enjoyed and felt recognized for my whole life. I love the feeling I get so much from letting me body do what feels right that I want to share it with others through performance as well as teaching. There you have it!
